Eye candy that will make you spend a lot of your time and money.
Dont install it.
Its a space strategy. An eye candy. Ive been playing it for over a year now and Im telling you - dont even install it. Thank me later.
Read reviews on Steam. Believe me, its like smoking, it will cost you money even if you are now sure that you will not spend a penny. You will. Or you will not be able to play competitively.
Read about Kixeye on Wikipedia. One of the things they excel at is making players of its "free" games pay enormous amounts of money.
After several months youll gather technology to become competitive in this game, you will join a good alliance that spends money to make other people spend money. Youll get tired of greedy developers that make major changes to game mechanics to make more money, youll look back and will probably want to sell your account, but youll never get for it anything comparable to the time, the effort and the money wasted on it.
Dont install it. Move along. There are better games that are just fun, that dont make you a junkie.
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VEGA Conflict, v1.87394